Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If only's

Leah and her Schultz cousins

Leah and her GIA

Leah and her Papa

I recently read a blog by another mom that talked about how she always seemed to have a case of the "if only's"...If only she didn't have to work late, if only she had more time to herself to relax, If only she could have this or that.

I started thinking about the "if only" moments in my life. I'm happy to say that they are slowly becoming few and far between. The only real "if only" in my life these days seems to be the if only we lived closer to family. Neither Mitch nor I can seem to shake free of that "if only". We had high aspirations of what our life would be once he finished school, got a job, we got settled and started a family. All of our If only's were coming true, but the longer we are here the more difficult it gets to be so far from home. Don't get me wrong, for the most part we are so happy we can't see straight, but then Sunday's roll around, or birthdays or holidays and here we sit alone. Wondering what our families are up to, and wishing we could be doing whatever they are up to. If only Leah had some little cousins to play with. If only we had a grandma and grandpa close by so that we could have a date night. If only...well you can just imagine. Part of me feels like she is missing out on this great experience, not being close to family members. I remember spending so much time with my cousins...Tara, Tiffany, Melissa, Paul, David when I was a kid that sometimes I was thinking if only I didn't have to be with my family ;) just kidding, but seriously. If there is one thing that living so far from home has taught us it's that we can't take our family for granted or someday we will be saying "if only".

Fortunately we have been able to make some good friends out here, that may in time be like our family, but in the meantime...to our family and friends, We miss you and can't wait to see you again!

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