Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Fall'in It

Now that summer is over, I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to do on the days that Leah and I are home alone together. We were in a really good routine the last days of summer. We would get up, have breakfast, watch Sesame Street, Go to the park, come home and have a snack, she would nap and then we would have lunch. After lunch, she would play with toys for a bit, we would go out and play in her little pool, she would come in and have another snack and then go down for another the time she woke up Daddy would be home!!!

Now that the weather is getting cooler, our schedule is all over the place. The mornings almost seem to chilly to go to the park, so we have been venturing out in the afternoon, but what else can I do to fill the days. We read lots of books, play with puzzles and toys, but I feel like she is getting bored here at home with me...SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!! The last 2 weeks were especially tough, with Mitch being gone on his Colorado hunting trip. It was so nice to pick him up on Saturday and have him home with us yesterday. On Friday we had a WONDERFUL visit to the aquarium with our friends Kathleen and little Ryan. I wish we could have stayed longer, but Leah crashed!!! If only we lived closer and could do playdates more frequently. I am going to start looking into Kindermusic and Gymboree...anything to get us out of the house, or else this fall will lead to a really long winter. Here are some pictures of Leah's first try with play-doh and coloring.

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