Thursday, April 8, 2010

1 Month Old

I can't believe it, but our baby girl Kiersten is one month old today...where has the time gone??? How can she be one month old already? She had her one month physical on Tuesday and the pediatrician says she is doing very well. She was already up to 8 lbs and 9.5 oz and her length was 21.25 inches. Occassionally we are hearing the little coo's and sighs and they are just precious to me. She still seems so tiny to us, but she is sadly outgrowing her newborn clothes already. But that's okay, there is plenty more in the closet :)

This little girl amazes me. She is so calm, peaceful and just all around even tempered. What a little blessing. And to my surprise the past month has been much easier than I was anticipating...not that it's been easy. It's just been easier than I imagined in my head. For the most part Leah has adjusted extremely well to our newest addition. She really doesn't pay too much attention and doesn't seem to be jealous at all, which is good. I spend A LOT of time holding Kiersten with the breastfeeding and Leah just seems to roll with the punches. Every once in a while she looks at Kiersten, gives Kiersten kisses or hugs and one of her favorite thing to say is "baby Kiersten, Waaa Waaa" which makes me smile and melts my heart every time. Anyway, just wanted to update on Kiersten and let everyone know that things are going great. I love being able to be home with my 2 girls. It's exhausting but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Happy 1 month, Kiersten! Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.

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