Wednesday, May 19, 2010

swingin' and-a slidin'

I love spring, and I LOVE summer. Last August after I finished working for the March of Dimes, Leah and I had quite a routine. In the mornings we would walk to the park just around the corner from our house, come home have lunch and a nap and then play in her little pool or in the backyard most of the afternoon...I'm hoping for a similar routine this summer but that will all depend on Kiersten. We have a great little park just around the corner from our house. It has a swing set, a big jungle gym contraption with 3 slides, a seperate slide, a merry-go-round, the weird Dinosaur rocker and a little pond complete with ducks. Leah loves the ducks and a trip to the park wouldn't be complete without her trying to chase them. And nine times out of ten we are the only ones there. Of course that has to do with the neighborhood. We are surrounded by older couples or couples with teenagers, most likely due to the housing market...most families just starting out are opting for townhouses, but anyway...we love our park, it would be nice to see other kids from time to time, but we love it all the same.

This past weekend was GORGEOUS weather and we weren't bogged down with birthday parties or household projects so we were able to pack up the girls for a quick trip to the park. Leah loved it...I think Kiersten was a little disappointed. She wanted to try our the Merry-go-Round, ha! But here are a few pictures from our morning.

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