Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 months old

Yep, My little Peanut is 3 months old. Well, actually she was 3 months old last week but we were in Illlinois so I am just now blogging about it. This morning I took her in for her 3 month check-up. Her last appointment was May 17th and she weighed 9 lbs 11 oz...this month she was up to 10 lbs 14 oz...woo hoo! She is still only in the 10th percentile but the doctor and I were both happy with her gain. He would like to see at least another pound and a half for her next appointment in July...so we will work on it. She was 24 inches long which was the 50th percentile and her head was 44 cm which was also in the 50th percentile.

Developmentally she is doing great. She bears weight on her legs, has great head and neck support. She looks around the room and is tracking objects with her eyes. She babbles and coos a lot and is doing great when it comes to sleeping. Usually 9:30 pm to 5 am, up for a quick bite to eat and then back down until 8 or 9. I can't complain, she lets me sleep much more than Leah did. She is also discovering her hands and feet. She is constantly trying to chew/suck on her hands and/or fingers and she loves to kick her feet. I think in the next few weeks she is definitely going to start playing with her feet, grabbing them etc. It is so much fun to watch all the changes. She is really starting to develop her own personality and I love it. And I love you too, Kiersten!

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