Saturday, July 24, 2010


So this is how I found Leah the other day in the pool. It's like she is right out of an old 50's movie set in the south. I can just hear her accent now. "Oh my, is it hot our here...I can hardly take the heat." ha ha! Sunglasses are a new hit with her. She has a Dora pair out in her little play pool and a Barbie pair in the car. She cracks me up. My parents were here last weekend and she played with Papa's glasses a lot. She put them on top of her head just like he does. I'll post more on that later. She is also very into being a princess. I would venture to guess that she is one of very few princess/tom-boys around. I think she would wear a pretty frilly dress outside to dig in the dirt if I would let her. What am I gonna do with this girl??? Keep on loving her to bits and pieces, I guess.

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