Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6 months!

Yep, last week my little hunny bunny turned 6 months old. I just wanted to wait and blog about it after we had her check-up so I would know her stats. We went to the pediatrician this morning and things are looking good! Today she was 16 lbs 10 oz....that is a 3 lb weight gain in one month!!! I couldn't believe it. Finally, starting to put on some weight. I was guessing about 15 lbs...I was way off. So for the first time since birth she is in the 25th-50th percentile range, YAY! She measured 27 inches which was in the 75th percentile and her head stayed in the 75th too. Overall, Doctor Matt thought she was doing great. She babbled for him and had some new tricks to show off too. She won't sit up for us much at home, but she sat up on the table for him like she's been doing it for ages. And then she started to crawl but I had to stop her so she wouldn't go over the edge of the table. Yep, she's mobile!

The last month has been a big one. She started fruits on Aug. 19th. For about 5-6 weeks we only did veggies so she would get used to them and like them...and she does, but boy does she like her fruits. I only give her half a serving mixed with oatmeal so it won't be too sweet. I was worried that with eating fruits she wouldn't want the veggies as much, but it hasn't been a problem. On Sept. 4th we moved up to the stage 2 foods. On Sept. 6th Mitch and I commented that she looked like she was ready to start crawling. She began getting herself up in the teepee postition, butt in the air and ready to go and then this weekend (Sept. 11-12) she started scooting her knees up under herself and started moving forward...not very gracefully, but she's moving forward. And to top it all off, last night (Sept. 13th) she got started with the Gerber Puffs. She was reaching for them and putting them in her mouth. I think she liked them, but most of the time they just stuck to her little wet fingers. It won't be long until my little baby is not a little baby anymore, and I am not ready for that. But YAY for Kiersten anyway, she is definitely the happiest, cutest and funniest little baby on the block. I am definitely not biased :)

I will have to say that it is getting harder and harder to take these pictures, she just wants to pick them up and put them in her mouth...so I let her!

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