Monday, October 18, 2010

There she goes, again!

Kiersten is mobile and I mean MOBILE. It happened so fast!!! Back on Sept. 12th she showed her first signs of crawling, she would move a few "crawls" ahead and then would fall on her belly. And she sure hasn't slowed down any. I can't keep this kid contained...she is everywhere and into everything. She actually will crawl herself right under her exersaucer (see picture below) and will cry for you to come help her out. Today I caught her hanging out under our kitchen table (again, see picture below). I think she followed the dog under there because that is where he likes to hang out and lately she is loving to pull on his fur. But anyway the point can't stop this kid. She has places to go, people to see and things to do. This afternoon I was putting Leah down for a nap and she had actually worked her way up to the front door and was trying to climb into her carseat. I'm guessing that was a hint of some sort. I just know that standing and walking aren't far behind. She is already trying to push herself up on her legs!!! Leah crawled at 7.5 months and was walking around 10 months. So far Kiersten is a month ahead of the curve. I think she just wants to prove she can keep up with Leah. The question is...Am I ready to keep up with the both of them???

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