Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Home Sweet...Almost Home

Man, our God is so good. All of our plans are really falling into place. This is our new house that I mentioned in the last post. We are doubling our space, YAY! It is a 4 bed, 3 bath, tons more square footage house on almost an acre of land and we can't wait to get moved in. We are set to close on April 7th! It is in the Southeast corner of Decatur just a block or so off the lake. We are probably going to be within walking distance of Scovill Zoo and the Children's Museum...so if you want to have a playdate with us give me a call. We went in with a low offer, according to our Realtor and we were very shocked when it was accepted. Come to find out, the couple that owned the house were being relocated as well. Their relo company purchased their house and was eager to unload it. The previous owners were actually packed up and moved out the day after we made the offer...so more or less, the timing of it all was just perfect. Talk about a big win for us!!! Now we just have to sell our house in New Jersey. WAIT~We did that already too! Our house was on the market for 3 days when we got our first offer. We thought it was too low, but it was a couple with an FHA loan so we countered. They ended up getting cold feet and decided to rescind their offer. On Day 10 of the house being on the market it was shown twice, with another showing the next day (Sunday) AND an Open House. To our surprise, Sunday night our Realtor called and asked Mitch if he was sitting down. A couple put an offer on our house just short of the listing price, they were paying cash and wanted to close by the end of the month!!! WOW, so contracts are signed and we are in Attorney Review. The inspection is Friday and if it goes well, which we assume it will...we have to be out by March 30th. So now we are working with everyone on our house in Decatur to get our closing date moved up to March 31st. Keeping our fingers crossed that everything will work out. Everything has gone so smooth up to this point, I keep waiting for the dark clouds to roll in. Say some prayers for us that everything works out and we can get back to the midwest sooner rather than later.

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