Friday, September 9, 2011

Old Friends, New Friends

This is without a doubt one of my favorite pictures. It's me, Brandon Beever, Amy Best (Hannah), Shane Beever, Laura (my sister) Corey and Christina Babbs and Megan Dorjahn. The back of the picture says June 1983 which means we were all roughly 3-5 years old. Now in 2011 we are ALL married and most of us have kids of our own.

Cut to now: This week we were fortunate enough to have my lifelong friend, Amy Best (Hannah), her husband Jeremy and two kids Alex and Heidi stay with us. And it didn't take long for Alex and Leah to become fast friends. They were in the backyard, inseparable for 2 days!!! They played in the sand table, they jumped on the trampoline...but mostly they cruised in Leah's Dora jeep. Alex was always driving and Leah was tickled to be along for the ride. One time when I went out to observe them Leah told me to leave them alone, they were going to the ice cream store for a treat. They spent hours...seriously HOURS out there playing together. When our time together came to an end we told Leah that we would be visiting Arizona sometime and she would get to see Alex and play again. Now she keeps talking about how we need to "Pay for a visit." She means -Pay them a visit, but it's so cute to hear her say it. So cheers, to lifelong friends...and hoping that even though we don't live close, our children can be friends too!

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