Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today she is 2!

My sweet Kiersten is two years old today. And we started the day off right. Leah and I went into her room singing "Happy Birthday" first thing this morning. We had breakfast, dropped Leah off at school and then went and did a little shopping. We aren't "actually" celebrating Kiersten's birthday today, but I wanted her to have something we picked out a frosted cake donut, WITH SPRINKLES, at the Wal-Mart bakery for her to enjoy. And boy did she enjoy it! Of course her idea of enjoying it is to pick off each individual sprinkle, then lick off all the icing and then eat the actual cake part of it. It took her forever, but she sure enjoyed it.

After picking Leah up from Preschool we had another special treat in store. We went and met Daddy at Dairy Queen for a top-notch lunch. The girls love to have their hot dogs and you can't beat the free ice cream come that comes with the kids meal. It was certainly just as good as birthday cake, which she will get this weekend.

My baby is growing up so fast I can't even begin to tell you all the things that she says and does. Like counting to 20 for instance. This one was new to Mitch too. We count the stairs everyday in and out of St. Paul's taking Leah to and from Preschool. She knows a handful of shapes and colors and of course her ABC's. She can identify lots of letters too and loves to say "K is for Kiersten!" She is a master at the iPad...and has become a pro at the game Memory. She is even getting into Candyland these days. Most of all I love that she is still as snuggly as ever. Sometimes she will just climb into my lap, put her arms around my neck and give me the biggest hug and kiss. I love it, and hope she doesn't give that up anytime soon. She has her 2 year physical next week, so we will see how she is measuring up but no matter what they say she is perfect in absolutely every way. Happy Birthday, my sweet you so much!

1 comment:

Suze said...

Happy #2 Kiersten! She is so cute!