Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Princess at the Ball

Guest post by Daddy :)

For the past few weeks we have been hearing about the Fairy Tale Ball from Leah almost everyday.  Well the day finally arrived.  Friday night we had the Hunt's over for pizza, then off Leah and Charlee in their almost matching pink dresses along with Joel and I headed out the door for the Ball at the Decatur Children's Museum.  Before we were even in the door Leah was all excited about the princesses that were holding the doors open for us.  Her eyes lit up even more when she saw ten more grown up princesses.

Once there, the girls had some time for free play to burn off some energy.  Then we headed to the classroom to make crafts.  Both the girls made head pieces with a little help from the dads.  Leah's fell apart a couple of times so I guess I didn't do such a good job.  After making the head pieces, the girls got to go on a fashion parade and show them off.  Next up we headed upstairs for story time.  Leah got a kick out of the story and entertained the room with her funny comments.  Her personality always keeps her the center of attention...

Next up was ballroom dancing.  The girls had a fun time doing the Macarena and the chicken dance with the grown up princesses leading the way.  We ended with a snack time.  The girls got to decorate their own brownies before enjoying them.  Leah got served soda for the first time.  She took one sip and pushed it away saying 'I don't think I like soda' and proceeded to ask the lady for water instead.  As we were leaving, Leah ran up to the grown up princess that had shown us around and gave them big hugs.

When we finally arrived home, the girls had all kinds of stories to tell.  Today at breakfast Leah was already talking about going back to another Ball.  I was having a hard time getting her to understand that it would be another year before we could go back.  Guess that means that she had a good time.

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