Friday, May 18, 2012

My Funny Girl

My little bug, just keeps me laughing. She is such a funny girl! It's amazing that the more time I spend with my girls, the more I have flashbacks to my childhood with images of Little Amy and Laura. Leah is JUST like me and Kiersten is the spitting image of Laura...well, maybe not in looks, but definitely in action. Even my mom comments how much of "Laura" is in Kiersten. She says the darndest never know what is going to come out of her mouth. She keeps my mom and dad laughing too! I love it when she says "That's disgusting" at the top of her lungs. She is definitely getting good at exhibiting her independence. She will tell you how it is. And if things aren't the way she wants them, she will let you know that too! Her favorite new phrase is "that's okay, no harm done." It's pretty sweet!

My girl LOVES being outside. I think she would be out there 24/7 if I would let her! Her outside play has quickly earned her the nickname "PIGPEN". I know, like the girl isn't already set with a nickname. She comes in with dirty hands, dirty feet, dirty face, sand in the hair...she gets down and dirty. Big surprise, my mom says that Laura was the same way. Mom even shared stories about Laura with potty training and how Laura would just strip off her pants and go in the bushes and then mom would find her underwear all over the yard (sorry Laura, too much information???) And I know that is going to be Kiersten. I've started putting her in dresses so it will be easy for her to come inside and go to the bathroom. HENCE, the princess gown out at the sandbox. I tried and tried to get her to put shorts on that day, but Sissy was wearing a dress so Bug had to have one as well. And any old dress wouldn't do, it had to be the pink princess dress!!! Now it's sitting down in the laundry covered in Shout stain remover. Oh well, at least she had fun, and aren't the rain boots a nice touch? LOL!

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