Friday, September 21, 2012

3 Months of Pure Joy!

Well, today sweet Hattie is 3 months old, and I just want to stop the clock. I want to bottle up this time of her adorable, precious baby-ness before it slips away. She is still a "roll with the punches" kind of girl, but then again...she doesn't really have much choice. Her routine is picture perfect. She is still on a sleep, eat, play routine that cycles every 3 hours. And as of about a week ago, she is sleeping through the night. She goes down around 9:30'ish while she is awake but drowsy. She is usually asleep by 10 and has been waking up to eat between 6 or 7AM and then she goes back down, but not usually for very long. Afterall, we have to be on the road by 8:15 to get Leah to preschool. We stepped on the scale this morning, and you are weighing in at 12 lbs, 6 oz. The three month clothes are starting to feel a little snug, but the 6 month clothes are too big! It presents quite the fashion challenge, but I don't mind. Those 3-6 months clothes will fit soon enough.

Hattie cakes, you have become much more alert. You love to look around and just this past week you REALLY started paying attention to the dogs. When they run by you, your eyes follow them quickly. You have found your voice, but don't have a lot to say. And when you do want to tell us a story, you do so very quietly...quite the opposite of your big sisters. You started rolling over on Sept. 4th, and there was no stopping you. And now you refuse to sleep anyway, but on your tummy. In addition to sleeping on your tummy, you found your thumb. I thought for sure you would be a finger sucker like Kiersten or stick to the pacifier, like Leah but no...I think you are determined to be different from your sisters, and that's okay too! You are quickly calmed by mommy's singing, but I rarely have to calm are one content little angel. But when I do sing, it's "You are my Sunshine"...the same song I've sang to all three of my perfect girls. So far you've brought me nothing but joy, and I have a pretty good idea that trend will continue. Love, Love, Love my sweet Hattie!!!

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