Friday, December 14, 2018

Suzy Snowflake

Kiersten and Emma Ulis

Kiersten and Cayde White

Kiersten and Ella Spaide

Kiersten and Gabe Smith

front and center with her buddy Gabe Smith
Kiersten...I just don't even know where to begin with this girl. She was just born to shine. She always lights up the stage. She told me a few weeks ago that she was going to be playing a Suzy Snowflake during the show. What she didn't tell me was that she had a hand in choreographing her part. She did such a wonderful job. The whole third grade class did. I'm going to be so sad when this stage is done and past. I enjoy these shows so much. And in true Kiersten fashion, we had to find our friends for pictures after. I hope she is always as confident and sure of herself as she is at 8. She's going places for sure.

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