Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September Swimmer of the Month

 We are full on back in the swing of things...in-person for schools, while many of the communities around us are remote learning. We're back to swimming 3-4 days a week. Leah and Hattie are tackling Junior tennis on Thursdays, followed by tumbling for Leah while Kiersten is going from Cross Country, to Piano, to dance. The girls are taking it all in stride. Doing great at school and enjoying what seems normal to us, even though we're doing it all in a mask. 

A wonderful surprise was when Leah was named the YDSC Swimmer of the month. She can tend to be a little more negative, she can be really hard on herself, and doesn't give herself enough credit so I hope this recognition was the pat on the back that she needed. Can't wait to watch her in the pool again soon!

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