Friday, January 28, 2011

My Snow Angel

So the Northeast has been pelted by yet another monstrous snowstorm and let me tell you, I am so over it. Our Mexican sunny vacation cannot come soon enough! Good thing it is only a week away. On Wednesday we woke up to snow like was on and off all day long. Leah just had to go play in it, so I bundled her up and I have to say, she is so darn adorable in her snowsuit and such. I'm so thankful that we have a fenced in yard, because it enabled her and the dogs to go run around for a bit, while I stayed nice and toasty inside with Kiersten. Anyway...she didn't even make it off the deck before having to stop and make a snow angel, so sweet!

The storm continued into Wednesday night. It was the craziest snow storm I had ever witnessed complete with thunder and lightening with a bit of freezing rain. When Mitch woke for work on Thursday morning which is around 5:20 AM I might add, he called into work and found out that they had a late start for 9 AM. But instead of going back to sleep he did what any GOOD man would do and got up and out and started shoveling. I felt bad for him when I woke up at 7:30, ooops! Thank goodness our neighbor Bill helped him out with the snowblower. Mitch said it was the really thick and heave kind of snow, not the fluffy light stuff that everyone (but me) loves! So daddy got to sit and have breakfast with the girls and shortly after he left for work we headed to Shawn and Amanda's so we could have a playdate with Matt and baby Monica, What fun!

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