Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Ugly Truth

I have to title this one the ugly truth because...come on, that picture of me below is pretty scary. I had to add the 2 pictures of my cuties or people would run from their computers screaming ;) I just love that they are so close, Leah started making funny faces and so Kiersten had to join in on the fun. Outcome, one adorable precious picture!!!

But anyway this is Kiersten's new obsession. She hears the shower running and she takes off for the bathroom like a mad woman. It was funny how it all came about. Mitch got home from work one day and he packed up Leah in the car to run to the store for me so I put Kiersten in the bathroom with me. I grabbed a few toys thinking she would be just fine and hopped in, and to my dismay so did she...clothes on and everything. She REALLY TRULY climbed into the shower. I quickly grabbed her and put her out again. She got in again. I put her out AGAIN. The third time I figured there was no point in fighting it. I quickly stripped her clothes and diaper off and she squealed with delight as the water fell on her head. Leah has never liked showers. She still cries occasionally when we wash her hair and she gets water on her face. Kiersten is the total opposite. I can set her on the shower floor and she splashes and crawls around while I do my thing. I have a cute video of her hauling it to the bathroom like nobody's business once the shower is turned on, but I don't have a good feeling about putting a naked video of my child on the internet so I refrained. In the meantime I love taking showers with my baby girl now. The smiles and laughs are priceless and I promise... No more shower pics of this momma!

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