Thursday, February 17, 2011

They're figurin' on biggerin' and biggerin' and biggerin'

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is one of our favorite books and the old Onceler says to the Lorax "For your information you Lorax I'm Figurin' on biggerin' and biggerin' and biggerin' and biggerin'. Well, that's exactly how I felt when we returned from Mexico last week. I looked at my girls and I could have sworn that they both grew a few inches. Plus, while we were gone Leah learned how to pronounce her "S" so she sounded so much more grown up. Grandma Tootie shared a few stories from her time with the girls. For the most part they were good. They loved the aquarium of course and it went extra smooth because the hippos were sleeping, otherwise Leah can be a little skittish around them. But my favorite story involves what Grandma Tootie refers to as East Windsor's finest...meaning the police, uh oh! Yes, the cops had to come to my house. It seems that Leah has discovered the locks on the doors. Grandma Tootie let the dogs out back, put the girls in their coats and hats and headed out front to let them get some fresh air. When it came time to come in though, there was a problem. Apparently Leah had turned the lock on the front door locking them out. So Grandma Tootie went around to the back door, but Leah had gotten to that door too. Not sure what to do, they took a stroll down the street, found a neighbor outside and she let them use the phone to contact the police. So officer Tim met them at the house. He took notice of a window on our screened in porch that opens to the garage. Of course these are normally screwed shut so he managed to pry it open, got in the house and saved the day. Just to keep things interesting...later when Grandma Tootie went out to the garage to start the car Leah locked her in the garage. Thankfully she was able to just go around and walk in the front door. After that Grandma took keys and a cell phone with her whenever she left the house :)

While we were gone Grandma Tootie got the girls these Valentine shirts. Kiersten's says "I love Mommy," and Leah's says "I love Daddy." Too cute, but they didn't want to sit still and let me take their picture. That's okay because the ones with them tickling each other and giggling are so adorable and you can't stage that kind of love. The girls are truly becoming best friends. They are playing so nice together (except when it comes to the iPad, which they fight over). They love to snuggle in the reclining chair. They dance like rock stars to the Laurie Berkner band and they love to give each other hugs and kisses. It makes my heart so happy. This morning I actually woke up to find Leah in Kiersten's room. She was sitting in the glider singing "You are my Sunshine" to her. That is the song that I sing to my girls when I am trying to soothe them. Not sure if Leah woke up and went into Kiersten's room and woke her up or if Kiersten woke up and then Leah heard her crying but either way, it was so precious and made me see how much my cup runneth over. I don't think it would be possible for me to love and adore them anymore than I already Happy Valentines everyday to my baby girls.

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