Monday, October 10, 2011


So many things about our weekend were great, but our trip to the pumpkin patch was top notch. The weather was fantastic. Mid-80's in October is hard to come by, but we'll take it! The Great Pumpkin Patch in Arthur certainly delivered and surpassed our expectations, but the best part about the weekend was that we got to spend it was family. Afterall, that was the driving force in us wanting to return to the midwest. We hated being so far from family. Saturday did not disappoint! Matt, Cynthia and Colby met us in Arthur for lots of family fun!

The Great Pumpkin Patch was awesome. Lots of fun and who knew there were THAT many different types of pumpkins and squash. Mitch was carefully checking it all out and making mental notes for things to try in our garden next spring/summer. And the kids were super excited...excited to see each other, excited to be playing outside and excited to find the perfect pumpkin. These are some of the pictures of the kids in the "Children's" Maze. It was a hoot seeing them run around and try to figure it out. Sadly, we didn't give the big one a try. Yes, they have a huge cornfield maze that you can "navigate" your way through but we didn't want any part of that. Maybe in a few more years.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I don't know if you saw or not, but they do have the seeds that you can buy and grow your own.

Are you coming along next week to the patch for the playdate?