Monday, October 17, 2011

A Bushel and a Peck

This was our first summer in Decatur, and it's also our first Garden. Mitch did a great job. Our garden was certainly plentiful and it is so satisfying to be able to eat produce from our own about organic! Our garden started out really strong, but the deer had other things in mind. We had a momma white tail deer with 3 fawns, and they REALLY enjoyed our garden. We didn't get ANY of our green beans, they ate squash blossoms, and even tomatoes. We ended up putting a fishing line fence around the perimeter and it helped so much. By July we had so much zucchini I was baking loaves of zucchini bread for everyone. Our jalapeno plant was plentiful, and our cucumbers and butternut squash did wonderfully too. Mitch found a butternut squash soup recipe that I LOVED, it was velvet and amazing so we will definitely be planting those again. We even have far we have 3 little ones, and 4 or 5 more about to turn orange. Our tomato plants have done well and Mitch just made his 3rd batch of salsa along with all our jalapenos. And we can't forget the carrots. Leah was so excited to pull her first carrot out of the ground that she ate the whole thing, dirt and all! The next time around Mitch made her bring it in and wash it first. It's awesome to see how excited the girls get about the garden. Kiersten walks around it happily yelling "Punkin"...definitely the best part!

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