Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trip to the dentist...FAIL!

The pictures aren't the best...but you get the point. This past Monday we went to the dentist for the first time since moving to Decatur. I know, we've been here a year. We saw a dentist every 6 months in New Jersey so I wasn't too concerned, and I've been busy so don't judge. But anyway, as the date was approaching we kept talking to Leah about it, preparing her and she seemed super excited. It wasn't her first time so I thought all would go smoothly. Boy, was I wrong!!!

My girl was brave for all of about 5 seconds. The hygenist was great, super friendly, put on some cartoons, let her wear the"cool shades". She showed her a few of the tools and then Leah let her count her teeth and poke around for a minute. No cavaties, YAY! There were a few concerns with her spacing which really just means she will probably need braces in the future (Shocker)! Next the hygenist showed her the tool and the toothpaste for polishing. This is when Leah lost it. She turned her head the other way, and said "I don't think I want to do that, maybe when I am older." I couldn't help it, I started laughing. I got up and got down on her level and tried to comfort her and get her to cooperate, but I'm not Leah's go-to parent. Mitch was in the next room getting his cleaning. I said maybe if we talk to Daddy, he can convince her. Leah thought it would help to see Daddy getting his teeth cleaned so she hopped down.

But as quick as Leah could hop down, Kiersten was up in that chair saying "my turn, now" and "let me try"...that's my girl! She loved getting the bib and the glasses on and did just what the hygienist told her. She counted Kiersten's teeth, said no cavaties...of course she still has 4 teeth that haven't come in yet, but it was all good. Her spacing looked much better than Leah's which is good, maybe we will only have to shell out for braces on one of them :)

The hygienist showed Bug the tool for polishing and commented that it might tickle. Kiersten giggled as she polished away, she loved getting the water sprayed in her mouth and the vacuum. She listened so well and really tried not to swallow the paste. She did great. And when she was finished she told Leah "Sissy it's fun." Leah still wasn't having it. She said "maybe when I'm older", so we headed next door so she could check out the action with Daddy. She started to cry watching Daddy but he comforted her briefly and she said she was ready to try again.

She climbed back up in that chair but it took no time at all before the tears started up again. They decided just to let it go...didn't want to traumatize her too much in hopes that future visits will go much smoother. Once we were up at the receptionist area, making our appointments for October Leah burst in to tears because she was ready to try, but I told her it was too late. She proceeded to cry the entire way yeah, FAIL!!! Better luck next time, I suppose.

1 comment:

Suze said...

I am dreading the dentist visit...we have not gone yet with Tommy, though I am so anal about my appointment every 6 months - and I've been going to the same office since I was in nursery school, which means I drive an hour to where my parents still live to go to the dentist!

The one thing we have going for us is that Tommy is usually pretty good about brushing his teeth, or letting us brush his teeth. And he has been good at the doctor when we had the eye and ear tests, and getting his temperature taken. But for some reason, I'm a little apprehensive about the dentist with him.