Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 Months Old and Boo-tiful!

This past Sunday my little chick hit the four month mark. And since it is October and all, I figured this little skeleton sleeper was the perfect outfit. What a cute little bag of bones!!! I posted a while back that we were battling some sleep regression. Well, I think that could have been attributed to adjusting to her crib and sleeping in her own room. But I also think that she may actually be hungry. Ever since I started introducing cereal she seems to be sleeping a bit better. Right now she is taking the cereal two times a day by bowl and spoon and then a little bit in her bed time bottle. For now, she is waking once a night around 2AM...it's still an adjustment since she was sleeping through the night by 6 weeks, but she will get back to that in time.
Yesterday we had her four month well child check-up with Dr. Branham. And of course Dr. Branham and nurse Shelly oohed and aahed all over my sweet girl. She weighed in at 12 lbs 14 oz and she measured 25 and 7/8 inches. My girl is growing in length that's for sure, but she certainly isn't packing on the L-B's!!! She gained just over one pound since her last appointment and has dropped down into the 10th percentile. While she is still in the 90th percentile for height. I've been concerned about my breastfeeding and supply issues since Hattie has seemed so hungry, and this only confirmed my fears. I went through the same issues with Leah and Kiersten between 3-4 months. I try to pump and get nothing. But Hattie is so content I couldn't tell for sure. Dr. Branham isn't overly concerned. She said that I could continue to breastfeed and supplement her occasionally with a few ounces here and there. She also said that we could start the vegetables. I know I should...she has been eating the cereal for 10 days now, so I know she is probably ready, but I don't feel ready. Ahhh...something about my last baby is making me hold onto her baby-ness and I know I can't. But it's going much too fast already. Dr. Branham said that another reason for her slow weight gain could be her activity level. Hattie cakes has been rolling over for 6+ weeks and she doesn't just roll a little here and there. Several times throughout the day she really gets going back and forth. She sleeps on her tummy...don't even try to put her on her back and she has become a master thumb sucker.
She is becoming much more playful. She reaches for objects and holds onto them briefly. She wants to put everything in her mouth and is certainly leaving a trail of drool in her wake. In the past month she has become keenly aware of her hands and feet, and will watch them intently. And she LOVES attention. She can't get enough of her doting sisters and her daddy. Mommy seems like chopped liver most days, ha! We are noticing more and more coos and babbles. And she laughs, but daddy is the only one who can really get her going. In the past two weeks Leah has finally become interested in Hattie. Of course, at the beginning she wanted to hold her but it was infrequently. And she really never paid much attention to her. But now she wants to hold her and play with her all the time. In the morning, she likes to keep Hattie entertained and sings and plays with her while we are getting ready to head out for the day. It's cute...but I'm dreading the day when she thinks she can pick her up or feed her without me present. UGH, I know it's coming!


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