Thursday, October 4, 2012

Throwback Thursday: The First One

There are lots of blogging trends out there, most of which I am completely unaware. But a few that I have seen include "Wordless Wednesday" when you just post a picture, or a few. And then there is "Throwback Thursday"...when you post about past events. Like I said there are more, but I don't know them and won't pretend to know them. One of my regrets is that I didn't start blogging until Leah was nearly a year old. Literally, I think my first post was when she was 51 weeks, How sad is that?!?!? Here her sisters have so much documented about their lives. How we found out we were expecting, how we told family and friends and what it was all like. She has none of that...okay, she does, but it's all written in photo albums with actual pictures. Since I have my blog printed into books for the girls every year, I want her to have the "hard copy" too. Is that weird, am I overreacting?!?!? Well, it's my blog so I'm allowed to do that. So for Leah, I have decided to take use of "Throwback Thursday" and start documenting some of her first year. It's been 5 years since it all began, but I remember it all like it was yesterday. And of course I have the photo albums to fill in the blanks. So don't get too excited about these ultrasound pictures I am posting. They are totally old! No new baby on the way here, LOL!
Leah was easily the biggest and best suprise of my life. For years I had battled endometriosis. I had received a number of medical treatments and had even been told that it would most likely be very difficult for me to conceive. The words In-Vitro and fertility treatments were old hat to me, but I wasn't worried about all that yet. Mitch on the other hand thought about it. We talked about it a lot while we were dating. Having children was SO important to him, he told me later on that he had actually considered ending our relationship over the "fertility" stuff, but decided I was worth it, Aren't I a lucky girl!!! So I probably wasn't as careful as I should have been. Mitch and I had been together about 14 months, and we were planning our wedding. We were all about the destination wedding and had set the date for April 11, 2008. We and our family and friends were headed to Key West, FL for a celebration! I had the dress, perfect for the beach, perfect for the sun, we had the location and we had started putting deposits down on everything.
I went to the dermatologist and he put me on antibiotics. A big no-no for women on birth control. But with my history I didn't think too much of it. On September 8th, we went to dinner and out on the town for Mitch's birthday. The next morning I just knew something was up. My cycle was 2 days late which never happens so I took a test and VOILA` as they say. There was a plus!!! I was in shock I really couldn't talk the entire day. I went to the gym and spent a good hour or so on the Elliptical in a daze. I had to tell my mom. We could't get married in Key West, what about he deposit money??? AHHH, I was freaking out, but was SO happy! I had been told it might never happen for me and here it was!
Since it was Mitch's birthday, we had dinner plans at my parents house in Charleston. We got to mom's and my dad was on the couch asleep with Pneumonia. Mom, Mitch and I were out on the patio. She started talking wedding and I couldn't look at her. Mitch went inside because he knew I needed to be alone with her. I don't remember how I told her, it was a blur, but I did. And she just smiled and said "okay". Then my brother and his new girlfriend Cynthia showed up for dinner. They had only been dating for like 2 months, and it was the first time I met her. I took Matt in the other room and told him we were cancelling our Key West vacation, and he just looked at me...then I told him, and he hugged me and said congrats. I was a mess. Then I just blurted it out to Cynthia during dinner. It was akward, but I had no idea how to approach the situation. Aunt Laura knew before anyone else, because I had called her about 10 times before we went to mom's. My dad (Papa) never got off the couch he was so sick. I went in before we left and said to him "You need to sit up, and wake up because I need to talk to you." He mumbled and looked at me and said "what do we need to talk about?" so I just said it..."You are going to be a Grandpa, I'm having a baby." To which he responded "Okay" and went right back to sleep. My mom said he got up at 3 in the morning to go to the bathroom and he woke her up and said "Did Amy say that she's having a baby?" It took a few hours for it to sink in...still makes me laugh.
That night Mitch called Aunt Lori and told her. We knew she was looking for houses to rent for the wedding and was looking at flights and we couldn't let anyone buy plane tickets knowing what we knew. She was so excited. And a few days later, Daddy called Grandpa Dave and Grandma Tootie, he told them both to get on the phone. Once they were, he told them the wedding was cancelled, and then he told them why. Once we had our 8 week appointment we sent out postcards to all our friend and family with the news. To be continued...


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