Friday, January 3, 2020

Busting Out

It's been real, St. John's...maybe a little bit too real. But see you later, we're going home!

She's more than ready. The last 24 hours she's been back to her usual shenanigans! She's definitely entertaining and the nursing staff couldn't get enough of her. Since they started the steroids, this kid is hungry all the time. She has been so happy to have an unlimited supply of Goldfish crackers. Then she realized she could order food from the changer! She dialed up room services and said "I'd like a small cheese pizza, just for me." Someone has seem Home Alone a few times too many. She did great eating all her fruits and vegetables while we were there, so I didn't fret too much. She loved to lift the lid off her entree and say "Bon Appetit".

This morning they came and did blood work and a urine screen, too. While we were waiting for the results and our chance to talk to the pediatrician, she got to do a craft with the Child Life Coordinator. They gave her a choice of projects and she was so excited to paint a safari picture. Girlfriend did a good job! After that she got a delivery of E-cards...and not just a few. This kid received 60 E-cards from family and friends wishing her well. Then we got the good news. Yay, we get to go home. We called Daddy and started packing up. Her blood work and urine screen were both clear. And a room on the peds floor of a hospital during cold and flu season is valuable property. They gave us orders to follow up with our pediatrician early next week and then we see the Pediatric Nephrologist the week after. Henoch Schonlein Purpura, in a small amount of cases, can result in kidney damage. Because she had significant blood in her urine, and then creatine and glucose, we'll be seeing the Nephrologist pretty regularly for a while. Just going to keep saying our prayers that all will be well, and we'd appreciate it if you would pray that prayer too.

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