Monday, August 3, 2020

Do Hard Things

 And so it begins...

I went back to work this week. Actually I’ve worked off and on all summer, doing what needs done, stopping in to talk to my principal, seeing where things are at and how I can help. Believe me, none of this is easy!!!

It’s been the longest, yet fastest summer ever. Because when it comes down to it, if you’d have asked any person in education what August would look like 6 months ago, none of us would’ve predicted this. 

We walked out of our buildings 145 days ago and had no idea that this would be our reality come August. I’m tired, I’m anxious and it’s hard...all of it is hard. I’m a mom worried about my three kids. But I’m also a social worker, so I worry about lots of other kids. Even though they aren’t mine, they are mine. The responsibility and challenges before our teachers in their enormity are hard for me to grasp. We have the best of the best here in Mt.’s one of the very few things I am sure of these days.

Our administration is working behind the scenes thinking of every possible scenario, tweaking things left and right, and the guidelines change with the blink of an eye.

My kids are going in-person. Our masks are clean and hung by the back door with plenty of spares. I’ll be at the school smiling from behind my mask, because smiling isn’t cancelled...and because our kids need that. We’ll do the best we can, because they aren’t just your kids. They’re “our kids” and if you give them a chance, they can do hard things. #2020isweird #joyisnotcancelled #smilingisnotcancelled #kindnessisnotcancelled #schultzfamilyescapades #mtzionbraves

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