Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Creative Movements

Things are starting to get crazy busy around here!!! We have Dance (Creative Movements) at Richland on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Leah has preschool. Tuesday evenings I teach at Lakeland. On Wednesday Mitch and I are in classes at our church to become members, while the girls participate in F3 and play in the nursery. On Friday's we have MOPS and come the weekend we are spent!!! But I guess this is just a little taste of what life will be like for the next 18 years or so with kids...I wouldn't have it any other way.
Anyway, back to Creative Movements. We are so fortunate that Richland Community College has a kids dance program. Leah loves it and it is so affordable. They offer classes from the age of 2 and up, which means Kiersten will be starting in no time. Leah did the beginning tumbling tots with Ms. Jan this summer and adored her teacher...not to mention it was loads of fun. We took the fall off because it conflicted with my teaching schedule but for now we are back at it. She got some gently used dance apparel from Macy and insists that she dress for the ballet before class. She gets so excited and it's so cute. Ms. Jan also does a great job of letting the little siblings participate at the end of class. You can see Kiersten in he middle of the group. They dance with their babies and then sit and gently rock them, swaying back and forth. They smile and laugh the whole time we are there.
Yesterday they took measurements for her costume for the spring recital. RECITAL!!! All Leah heard was costume and she was in for sure. She can't wait but doesn't quite grasp the concept of spring, which means she has to wait until mid-May. It's rough being a 3 year old sometimes. This should be interesting and I'm excited to watch her skills progress.

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