Sunday, January 29, 2012

Princesses in the House!

Is it Staples that has the slogan "yeah, we got that"? Well, that's how I feel about Princess toys. Yeah, we got girls are just princess crazy. It's never ending. The dress up in princess clothes, they play with princess dolls, and even have a princess castle block set. Which is perfect for the Princess Little People set that Kiersten got for Christmas. We are totally on Princess overload.

There is a book for mothers (and fathers) of young daughters called Cinderella Ate My Daughter. I'm beginning to think that maybe it's time for me to read this book. I believe it is about helping your daughters to understand that they can be so much more than a pretty face and helping to navigate them through the media and marketing that can affect them as they transition into adulthood. So maybe I am jumping the gun a bit, but it can't hurt to give it a look. In the meantime a girl wants, what a girl wants... so I will grin and bear it.

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