Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In the Middle

On Thursday, February 2nd I will be 20 weeks along and halfway through this pregnancy. Today we had our ultrasound to make sure that everything is right on track. And we can only assume that it is. Our tech didn't talk a whole lot, but she pointed out the fibula, tibia, took measurements of the head, abdomen and extremities and said everything looked good. We saw the 4 chamber heart beating, and the 3 ventrical umbilical cord. She also pointed out the medula and cerebellum in the brain. Having been through this before it was all very routine. She never mentioned the baby's weight, but did comment that the baby seemed to have a bit of hair already. Can't say I'm too suprised...Leah and Kiersten were both born with heads FULL of hair and I had the heartburn all along, just like the old wives tale.

We took Leah with us to the ultrasound. She did really good at the beginning, but got bored towards the end. She's 3...it was bound to happen. There were a few times that she got excited because the baby appeared upside down on the screen, and one time when we saw the baby's face the mouth was open. We told Leah the baby was saying "Hi" and she got a kick out of that too. She asked if the tech was putting soap on my belly...and asked if it was a boy or girl. We had told the tech we didn't want to know so she played along. Leah asked her "when will God decide if it's a boy or a girl?" This made me smile so we talked about how we have to wait until summer (June) to find out. It was fun having her there. This ultrasound was different because they actually did 3D, but sadly for us little one didn't want to cooperate. The best picture we have (the last one) is of the baby looking down with arms/hands on head...better luck next time.

I had Mitch take a picture of my baby bump this weekend. It's finally emerging, however I still am not wearing any maternity clothes. Sad to say, but most of my clothing from my pre-weight loss are fitting and will for a bit longer. This picture was taken at 19 weeks and 3 days. Mitch and I both agree that in the last week my belly has really changed. It's coming!!! I also felt the baby moving this weekend for the first time. I was laying in bed on Saturday morning and thought I felt it...but Sunday morning I knew for certain and I felt it again Sunday afternoon. I just love feeling all the little kicks. So, 20 down and 20 to go. We go back to the doctor on the 15th.

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