Saturday, June 30, 2012

Doting Big Sisters

Right now everything seems to be about I want to take a minute to talk about big sisters and how proud I am of Leah and Kiersten. These two are just rolling with the punches. After Mitch and I spent 4 nights in the hospital I wasn't sure what I would come home to, but these Big Sisters couldn't be more excited about their new baby sister. Of course, I know that some jealousy will set in eventually and we will have ups and downs but so far it's been pretty smooth sailing. It probably helps that Gigi has been coming over to help, and took them to Charleston on Thursday. They got to go swimming at the Country Club and Papa ordered them Pizza for dinner (big surprise). They love going and staying at Gigi and Papa's house, such an adventure.

When we are home, they are always very curious about Hattie...where she is and what she is doing. Leah has been very curious about the breast feeding and the pumping. I try to answer her questions but she always has more. She wants to hold Hattie a lot. She isn't great at head support but we put her up against the arm rest on the couch and she does pretty good. She loves to give Hattie kisses and I know she is going to be a wonderful helper and Big Sister. I tease her constantly about changing dirty diapers and she says "No way, they are too stinky." And she gets a big kick and a case of the giggles when she hears Hattie passing gas. She will however be Mommy's helper. She likes to hand me clean diapers and burp cloths, etc.

Kiersten cracks me up. When Hattie is sleeping in the Pack-n-Play she peeks over the edge and will try to tickle her toes while saying "Gootchie, Gootchie, Goo" I don't use this phrase so I have no idea where she learned it, but it's funny. When she is in the bouncy seat, Kiersten makes sure that she can see her toys and constantly gives her kisses...even when she is sleeping and we are begging her not to wake the baby. She always wants to make sure that Hattie has her blanket and her stuffed animal. With each one of my girls, my mom has brought a stuffed animal to the hospital. Leah has a white bear, Kiersten has a white lamb, and Hattie has a white bunny rabbit. Well, Hattie's bunny has been named "Hopper" and Kiersten lets me know when Hattie needs her Hopper. I'm so proud of these two big sisters. I think it's super sweet when they won't go to bed without kissing baby Hattie good night. I hope they will continue to love on baby Hattie and be kind to one another because it's does my heart good.

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