Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My LeeLee is just growing up too fast! This week she has been enjoying Vacation Bible School at our church, St. Paul's Lutheran. I'm so happy that she has something to do this week, and even happier that she is enjoying it! Girl is super excited to get up and moving in the morning!!! The theme is "SKY" so everyday they have different "SKY" characters. There has been a Bat, a Pilot, an Eagle and even a Pig with wings...For when Pigs fly, I'm assuming. The church is decorated so nice and both the girls love pointing out all the different decorations. There is a particularly spectacular hot air balloon in the lobby of the church, it's in one of the pictures with Leah standing near by. Every day Leah comes home with artwork matching the theme and a story or two of all the fun she is having. It helps too that she is seeing familiar faces. Poor girl, has been so bored since preschool ended. There are 2 little friends from school that she sees there. Plus, Taryn our babysitter is volunteering. Every morning at drop off and pick-up at noon, Leah AND Kiersten have to get their hugs in with Taryn. I'm sad that VBS only lasts one week. Now I will be in search of our next adventure.

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