Monday, June 11, 2012

The Potty Pro

I don't mean to brag but my girl is super smart!!! And for some of you this post may be a little bit too much information...after all, it is about potty training. But I have to share. Shortly after Kiersten's 2nd birthday in March we pulled out our little princess potty to start getting her used to the idea. Occasionally, between diaper changes we would encourage her to sit on the potty and what not, but never really pushed potty training on her. I just felt like we were on the go too much. I figured we would start sticking closer to home the closer my due date got and we would give it a go then. May 17th was Leah's final day of preschool for the year. It seemed like as good a time as any, so on May 18th we woke up and went for it. I decided that I was going to put her in summer dresses with nothing on the bottom, that way it would be simple for her starting out. I had no idea it would be SOOO simple. She didn't have any accidents that day. Having Bowel Movements was a little tricky and she was scared at first and would want her diaper on, but we stayed in the bathroom and persevered through it. Of course the sensation was a bit overwhelming for her and she would come and go to the bathroom 4 or 5 times before actually going, but it was a work in progress and she quickly figured it out.  

On Saturday I showed her some of the Elmo underpants that Gigi got her for her birthday and explained that we didn't want to "pee-pee on Elmo" and I think she got it. She kept saying all day long "I no pee-pee on Elmo." and she didn't! I couldn't believe it. Furthermore over the course of the next few days, when I would try to put her in a diaper to run errands or for her nap she would cry and scream "I don't want a baby diaper, I want my Elmo's." So she decided she was done and we went with it. After four days accident free I took her to the store and told her she could pick out new underpants...of course she wanted Dora, and Minnie Mouse and Tinkerbell but finally decided that Tinkerbell was the way to go. Now she looks at her underpants every morning and tells me who she ISN'T going to pee-pee on....whatever works. Way to go Bug!

1 comment:

Suze said...

Woohoo! As we just went through our own potty training with Tommy, which also, thankfully, went off with MINIMAL hitches, I can totally appreciate this funny how those of us in the midst of it don't think of anything as TMI! I've shared some stories with friends who suddenly look horrified at me...and these are people who have kids and have been through it! I guess when you are "in the throes" of it all you can appreciate it and laugh more about it! Congrats!