Monday, August 27, 2012

First day of 4 Pre-K

Wow, we had a CRAZY busy weekend!!! We celebrated Hattie's baptism and had a house full of family...but this morning was ALL about Leah. She was so excited to start school, so after our company departed we were in school mode. She HAD to wear a dress, and only pink would do. She wanted her hair done, and mommy is less than stellar in the hair styling department so pigtail braids was the best I could do. We loaded up her back pack with the school supplies, she kissed her daddy good-bye and we were out the door. Poor Bug...she wants to go to school so badly. Daddy stayed home with her for the first morning and did puzzles and other fun things to take her mind off of Leah being gone. 

We got to school, snapped a few pictures and there was NO apprehension what so ever. Leah was super excited, and most of the kids from her class last year are in her class this year so she quickly picked up right where last year left off. Here's to hoping for a great year for my big girl!!!

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