Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Little Bug

There really just aren't words to describe how much you are changing. Every one we meet assumes you are older than you really are because you speak so well and have such an expansive vocabulary. And boy are you FUNNY! I laugh out loud several times a day at the things you say. You like to say "No" and you like to tattle on your sister but lately you are pulling out the big guns and saying "Shame on you" and "that's not nice". Now I know where you got the latter of the two but haven't a clue where you heard the first one. You and Leah are best friends and you will tell everyone that she is your best friend, even though you two can fight like Cats and Dogs. I've been a little bit worried about how you were adjusting to the new baby...but you ADORE your little sister. Almost too much! You want to hug, kiss and snuggle her all the time. Sometimes it looks like you are laying on top of her in her bouncy chair and we have to remind you to be gentle, but you always are. You smother her with kisses morning, noon and night. You are also really good at playing with her toys. When I ask you if you are the baby? You simply answer with a shake of your head and say "I'm not the baby, I'm Kiersten." And whenever anyone comes near Hattie you are quick to inform them "This is Hattie, she's our baby!" And it's about the most precious thing I've seen, except of course for your smile.

You have been doing brain quest games and showing us how smart you are, already almost at the 3-4 year old level and just this past week you finally took an interest in writing. You are off to a good start, except that you insist that Kiersten starts with an "X", easy enough kind of looks like a "K". You are so eager to start school, and keep saying that you get to go too. And I keep trying to break it to you that it's not time yet. But to make up for it I have you signed up for Kindermusik this fall and we have MOPS every other Friday, so hopefully that will be enough to keep you happy for a little while longer.

You are in a stage where you LOVE hanging out in your bedroom. You will go up on your own and shut the door behind you. I will come upstairs to check on you and you will be singing away to your hearts content. It cracks me just make up the words to a tune of your own, it's so sweet. Sometimes when you are in the playroom or outside you start singing to your hearts content too. Right now you love to sing the song "Time for your check-up" from the show Doc McStuffins. You are still super attached to your "lambie" and your blanket. Just this morning daddy and I were laying in bed listening to you while you looked for blankie "Blankie, where are you? Where are you, blankie, I want you." And we both just smiled. You have such a kind heart and are definitely my snuggler. You climb into my bed every morning and we get our snuggling in before the day begins. And it always starts my day with a smile.

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