Sunday, August 19, 2012

Puddle Jumpin'

It's not news to anyone around here that Decatur has been suffering from a massive drought...with serious water restrictions. Well, this week the rain finally came. We has a good storm on Monday afternoon/evening followed by rain off and on all day Thursday. The tornado sirens even went off in Charleston. The sky was dark here several times throughout the day, and I LOVE a good thunderstorm. The girls, on the other hand weren't too sure about it. In fact, Kiersten would run crying and cling to me after each crack of thunder. Well, by afternoon I was tiring of the tears so I made a little suggestion. Leah was adamant, that she was absolutely NOT going out to play in the rain. It was dark and scary and she would blow away. But Bug was super excited about the idea of a raincoat and her rain boots. So we geared up, and Leah changed her tune pretty quickly. 

I grabbed my camera and we headed out the front door for a little fun in the rain. Can you see all the brown leaves on the ground? A sure sign that the trees are in distress. But I digress. We got outside and there was thunder and lightning. I laughed and so did they. Kiersten got super excited about the "lighten-sky" and I told her to jump in the puddles, so she marched around yelling "jump, jump, jump." Leah, a little older and wiser realized pretty quickly that there were no puddles to be found. But she entertained herself none the less. They loved playing in the rain so much that they made Daddy take them out for round 2 once he got home from work. It was fun...and now we can't wait to do it again. Who doesn't love rain boots?!?!?

1 comment:

Suze said...

Tommy loves to jump in puddles, but he needs a new raincoat and boots since he's been through a growth spurt! Hope you get some more rain soon!