Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Very Gigi Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my mom's holiday...seriously! She likes to do it up right. And she always pulls it off. This year was no exception. We had a small intimate Thanksgiving on Thursday with mom, dad, Laura and Jeff, and Matt and Cynthia but it had all the trimmings. This year we even had special pumpkin pie custard cake from Freddy's and of course I brought my homemade MOPS apple pie.

The kids loved all the dessert...don't they always. They played dress-up upstairs and watched movies in Gigi's room while the adults visited. It was the perfect day. On Sunday she did it all again...well, almost all of it.Mitch made the Turkey at our house, I made the noodles and Cynthia brought the green bean casserole.  We hosted Uncle Carl's family for the day. Heather treated us all with platese full of cookies. My cousins all came and we had a house FULL. My cousin Kevin has a four year old daughter, Aubrey. She was born April 9th and Leah was May 9th so they are very close in age, but have probably only seen one another 3 times. Well Aubrey didn't waste anytime, Kevin says she is shy but you would have never known it. She was upstairs and playing with the girls in no time. I think they all had a good time...I know I did! Thanks, Gigi for all the good cooking.

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