Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today we took the kids to see a production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella at Kirkland Fine Arts Center here at Millikin. I was expecting a mediocre, somewhat amateurish college production and we were pleasantly suprised! Even my mom commented that she couldn't believe how professional the whole thing was. There was nothing "amateurish" about it. The set design was phenomenal, and the musicians were fantastic. It was really a great show. The kids were excited...always are. They are old hats at the theatre. After all we've gone to the Little Theatre in Sullivan plenty. This time made me a little nervous because it was a "real" production with an intermission and everything. But they did great. Sure, there was a bit of talking and me shushing them. But for the most part they were in awe of all the singing and dancing.

Gigi, Aunt Cynthia, Macy and Colby joined us for the afternoon. Colby got to bed late last night, and missed his nap today. So he spent almost the entire show sleeping on Cynthia's lap. Probably the best part of the whole show was when the clock started to strike 12 o'clock. Cinderella starts to run up the stairs in the scene where she infamously loses her glass slipper and Bug yells "Oh, she probably doesn't want to get married." It cracked me up and Cynthia commented on it after the show too. While the prince searched for Cinderella trying the shoe on eligible maidens across the land Leah says "That's not her's Cinderella's!" What a fun day. Now that I know what Kirkland has to offer we will be visiting more often!

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