Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bug at the Bat

This was Kiersten's first go around with playing softball, and overall it went extremely well. We were fortunate that our friend Eric Gray was her coach so she knew a few kids on the team. I'm hoping it will help her recognize a few more faces when she starts Kindergarten in the Fall....hold on, I need to go cry in the corner for a minute. Anyway, it started out rough. She didn't like softball when they were just practicing but once the games started she was always eager to get her jersey on and go. I think that had more to do with the dollar for the concession stand after then game than the actual game itself, but what do I know.

Fielding was not her strong point. It really wasn't anyones strong point...but she was pretty mighty at the bat. For her age, each girl gets 5 pitches, and if they haven't hit it they hit off the tee. I think she only hit off the tee two out of five games. Way to go, Bug! It was fun to watch her get so excited and jump up and down on the base...and then play in the dirt. Looking forward to more softball seasons to come.

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