Monday, December 26, 2016

A Quiet Little Christmas

Christmas was just us in our house. Not sure the last time that happened, but I was okay with it. We were lazy, relaxed around the house, did a few chores. We went to the 7 PM church service. I had to laugh. Hattie is usually in the nursery. So when we went up for communion she had no clue what we were doing. After we received our "bread" she stood up and said "how come I don't get a cracker?" THIS KID, I tell you what?!?! But it was so cute. I cried through parts of the service, wishing I was at church with my mom. Something about this holiday (probably the fact that I made my Grandma's cookies twice) had me really missing both of my grandmothers.

After we got home we got the girls ready for bed. We watched "Meet me in St. Louis" and I cried as Judy sang "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". We got the cookies out for Santa, and sent the girls off to bed. They woke up after 7...Kiersten closer to 8. We headed down to see what Santa left. They loved opening their gifts. Hatchimals, My Little Pony's, DC Superhero toys and of course some Star Wars. Shortly after noon Gigi and Papa arrived. Mitch prepared Christmas dinner for us all. Nothing too fancy. Ham, green bean casserole, potato pancakes, dinner rolls. But even before that we had appetizers. Cheese and crackers because that's easy. And then I made my bacon wrapped waterchestnuts. It's something my Grandma Loraine always made. I guess between that and Grandma Evelyn's sugar cookies it was my way of keeping them close. We watched Home Alone and Gigi and Papa headed home before dark. So much different than Christmas past, but I still had everything I could have ever wanted and more. My loved ones, my littles, all under the same roof. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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