Monday, July 8, 2019


Mitch and I knew we wanted to take a vacation in July. Our lives have seemed like a hot mess of chaos this summer with all we’ve had going on. And with all the chaos we of course had to wait until the last minute to book our trip. Our original destination plan was ridiculously expensive so we opted for Plan B...Vegas. Flights were cheap, air bnb got us a suite at the Signature MGM for cheap so we booked it and went. But we aren’t gamblers...casinos aren’t our style?!?!

Plan B also included getting outdoors. We love visiting State and National Parks So that’s what we set out to do. In all my times visiting northern Arizona and the Grand Canyon I never visited Hoover Dam so that’s where we started. The Pat Tillman memorial bridge was seriously impressive and the views of Hoover Dam were impressive. It was a $240 million project between Nevada and Arizona that took 6 years to complete. That in addition to the Hoover Dam is some impressive engineering. Unfortunately you couldn’t take trips down into the Dam this trip. It was all closed, but we enjoyed it all the same. It was windy on that bridge, perfect for cooling down on a 104 degree day!

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