Monday, October 21, 2019

That's life

Lately I'm running on empty...too much on my plate. Not enough hours in the day. Too many prayers to pray. My stress level has been right up there in the clouds, but that's okay. It's all going to be just fine. My mantra the last few weeks has been that I'm giving it to GOD! I know that he's got this...and about a million other little things, and not so little things. I said it to my mom before they wheeled her in to surgery. "God's got this?" I'm remembering to be thankful for all the blessings. A nephew that is in remission. A mom who had a blockage repaired. AND then a mitral valve replaced. He's doing big things with my prayers. I'll even go so far to throw out a hashtag blessed!

But all the stressers in my life as of recent have left me a little more unavailable to my kids. And you know what??? I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. My in-laws came for the weekend, and Mitch was preparing for a trip overseas for work. It's October! So that means we needed a trip to the pumpkin patch, our annual Boo at the Zoo, and pumpkins needed carved. But I felt like I needed to be with my mom. Sometimes it's hard to feel like you're being pulled in different directions. But I have complete clarity this weekend. I wasn't going to be able to do all the things with my kids and that's okay! It's 100% totally fine.

On Saturday while they headed to Pumpkin Creek Farms, I headed to Memorial Hospital in Springfield. While they were out enjoying a beautiful fall day, getting lost in a corn maze and eating pumpkin donuts, I was helping my mother get to and from the bathroom, urging her to eat, and making sure she was comfortable. Did my kids miss me being there? Maybe, but most likely not. They were fine, and in the completely capable hands of their amazing dad. They were making memories with their grandparents.

On Sunday they got up and went for a hike in Spitler Woods, because it was another amazing Indian summer day here in Central Illinois. They had lunch at their favorite mexican restaurant and went home to carve pumpkins. That afternoon they got their costumes on and headed to Boo at the Zoo. Their day was totally made. And I'm just thankful they'll have the memories. Sometimes, that's life.

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