Friday, August 21, 2020

Covid-Crazy School

 And so it begins! After 159 days we finally went back to school, in-person. You wouldn't think that it would be something to be so excited about, but as the covid cases in our area increase, most of the schools in our area are doing remote learning only. Mt. Zion school district offered an in-person or remote option. It's been a but chaotic getting to this point, but we made it. Truthfully, I don't know how long it will last. Once students or staff test positive we could move to remote learning very quickly, but at least the kids are getting a chance to meet their teachers and learn the expectations. 

This summer Leah and I fully took advantage of the fact that I work in the Junior High. I took her in a few times and walked around with her (always with our masks on) so she could get an idea of where her classes were. Junior High is a big deal. I remember being nervous when I started junior high. Going from elementary and one teacher to having 7 different teachers is a big change. Lucky for her, she's spent the last two years at the school with me and has had a chance to get to know a lot of our staff. I know she's in good hands and she's going to have a great year. 

With Covid still on the rise in our area, this year looks a little different for the middle and the little sister, too. For the past two years they have gone to school with me in the morning and went to their school from there. But with Leah in early bird and our altered in-person schedules this year it doesn't make sense for them to go to school with me at 7:15 when their day doesn't begin until 8:30. Mitch is still working from home and the Larson kids are in the same schools as ours so carpool made the most sense. But a few of the junior high staff have mentioned how much they will miss seeing the Schultz girls in the morning. They certainly are loved. 

Kiersten is in Mrs. May's class for 5th grade at Intermediate School and we are so fortunate that Hattie has Mrs. Swartz for 3rd grade this year. Leah absolutely loved being in her class. All three girls had a wonderful first day of school. And because 2020, Leah is remote learning on day 2. The fire alarms are malfunctioning at the Jr. High so she has to stay home already...not a happy camper. Praying for all our friends and staff as we navigate these crazy school days ahead. 

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