Thursday, May 28, 2009

Little Advocate

As some of you may know I have been working at the New Jersey Chapter of March of Dimes, in Public Affairs and Advocacy. This past April, I talked my husband into starting a "Walk" team. He agreed, and went about recruiting guys from Bristol Myers Squibb to support the cause...It dawned on him about 3 weeks before the walk that there probably weren't a lot of men that particicpate, but that just made it even more special. I think he ended up with 9 chemist on his team, a few of which aren't even fathers. It was really touching to see them come out for a good cause, but the best was seeing all the kids! Of our group I think we had 8 kids ranging in age 5 years to 8 months walking with us. I made them all T-Shirts with the March of Dimes logo on the front (which I traced and hand painted) and the number 09 on the back (for 2009) and their names. Here is a picture of me and my "little Advocate" at the walk.

Working at the March of Dimes has been an eye opening experience. I have spent time in the NICU and learned so much about Maternal Child Health Issues. We have made Leaps and Bounds in what we can do medically for pregnanct women and infants but we still have so far to go. The March of Dimes has a slogan of sorts "From Polio to Prematurity". They started in the 1930's with the goal of eradicating polio, and after 40 years they were successful and so the natural choice was to stick with Healthcare. After spending time in the NICU I have to thank God everyday for all the happy healthy babies that have been born to my family and friends. I think sometimes we don't realize how lucky we are, or how much we have truly been blessed. It's difficult for me sometimes as a new mom to walk into the NICU and not get overcome with emotion. Sometimes I think it would be difficult even if I weren't a new mom. I just have to tell myself that the work we do is to make sure that babies are not born too soon or too small. I'm proud to have my daughter starting out as an advocate so young. You are never too young to learn the lesson of how to give back to your community.

On another note, these are some pictures from some of the work that I have done with the March of Dimes. I coordinated March of Dimes Day at the Capital for us in February. I wrote this proclamation that was read on the Senate Floor. I know you can read it but it recognizes the March of Dimes in New Jersey for the contribution to Maternal Child Health. It recognizes the New Jersey Nursing Award winners for their dedication and service, and lastly it recognized Katelyn Hall, the 2009 National Ambassador Child. Katelyn and her family spent a week in New Jersey visiting legislators and speaking across the state about the effects of prematurity. Katelyn was born at 25 weeks weighing only a pound. Now her family is dedicating their time to spreading the word about the March of Dimes mission. You can read about Katelyn on her blog at

This Picture is the Hall family, a few volunteers and MOD staff on the senate floor. I wasn't in it because I was taking the picture! ~Amy

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