Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shoe Fetish!!!

Oh my Leah, She is truly a girl after my own heart. She has discovered shoes. Last week she kept going to her room and pointing up to the top of her dresser...this is where the shoes are at. I kept trying to bring her back to the living room and her toys to play, but she kept returning to her room eventually having a temper tantrum. As she sat on the floor crying, pointing up at the dresser, she lifted her foot and wiggled her toes..."Shoes" I said, "Do you want your shoes?" I got some off the top of the dresser and set them on the floor but that wasn't good enough. She got even more mad as I walked away and when I looked she was trying to put them on. I sat on the floor and put her shoes on and she got up and smiled...happy as a clam. Now we can't start the day unless we have a pair of shoes on. When she doesn't have shoes on she tries to put my shoes on, or even funnier...Mitch's shoes. She is getting so grown up, bless her heart she tries so hard to put her socks on too. Yes, my girl loves shoes. And I couldn't be happier!

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