Friday, April 16, 2010

All in a day...

This mom of two stuff is hardwork most days. I was telling my mom just the other day that I'm sure it was quite a sight at our house earlier this week. Leah has been sick with bronchitis so she is back on the nebulizer...AGAIN. She can only have a treatment every 4 hours and we try to time it so that she has one right before bed. The clock was not my friend. I sat on the couch with Kiersten in one arm trying to feed her and was rocking Leah in the glider with the other arm while she gave herself her own treatment...Okay, so maybe I'm not supermom but we are getting there.

Most days I would say that things are going much better than I anticipated. I was very worried about how Leah was going to respond to a new baby, and how she was going to handle having my attention divided. But she has done great. She does such a good job occupying herself, playing with her toys, looking at books and watching Sesame Street that she really doesn't concern herself too much with Kiersten. Thank goodness, or breastfeeding would be almost impossible.

Of course I can't seem to find enough hours in the day. Most days I can't get a shower in until Mitch gets home. The laundry just keeps piling up and the living room floor is covered with toys, but I wouldn't change a thing. My girls will only be little girls for such a short time. I'm going to enjoy every minute.

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