Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Last week I asked my friends for a little advice on how to get Kiersten to sleep better and I had several friends tell me to read the book "Babywise". Now let me make it clear that Kiersten was sleeping for some really good stretches, we just couldn't get her to go down at night...once she went down she was pretty much down for the count. But I digress, I bought the book and started reading. Better late than never I guess. But I am a pretty good reader and got almost through the book this weekend. Only to find that I was already using the "Babywise" techniques, I just didn't know it. I pointed this out to my husband and he says to me "Well, we are pretty intelligent people." Apparently a PhD in Chemistry makes you wise in the ways of an infant, ha ha ;)

Kiersten eats every 2.5-3 hours followed by awake time and then a nap/sleep. Most nights we are getting anywhere from a 5-6 hour stretch of sleep before she wakes to eat. I am hoping that these stretches will start to get longer in the coming weeks, after all she is just 6 weeks old. I have enjoyed the book. The first chapter is great. It talks about how parents/spouses need to have a good relationship and communication to establish a sense of stability for their children...how true! I think that is something that a lot of books forget about and they focus solely on child rearing. This book would be PERFECT if it added a spirituality element, at least in my opinion. Anyway, I look forward to keeping up with the babywise methods and seeing where it will lead us. In the meantime I am happy to have such good little sleepers. Notice any resemblances in the pictures below? My darling girls, just like angels...when they are sleeping at least.

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