Monday, May 16, 2011

It was a "Rockin" Good Time!

So last Monday our baby girl turned 3!!! Where has the time gone??? I Know that everyone says that, but seriously wasn't she JUST a little peanut in my arms??? Needless to say May is a full month for us with birthdays and we felt the need to do it up right...really, May is full. My niece Shelby's birthday is the 8th, Leah's is the 9th and Macy's is the 10th. Thankfully this year we were able to have Macy and Leah's party know since we live close now and all. Macy was a bit skeptical but I think the end result made her super happy. I had a little fun with the invite and the Thank You on Etsy and got most of the rest of the stuff from Oriental Trading. The rest just took a little creativity...and Vwaaa Laaaa...Rockstar Birthday Party Masterpiece. My sis-in-law took care of the awesome rock star outfits. The girls both had personalized Zebra print shirts (etsy), Zebra print shoes and Rockstar tutus made with love by her friend Lindsay. They looked AH-MAZE-ING!!!

Macy and Leah were both super excited to see the decor. Good thing too...Mitch, my friend Ellen and I spent a lot of time working on it. Originally we had hoped to have the party outside. But the weather didn't cooperate. I was all set to build a stage, I wanted to have the music pumping and had some good outdoor games ready to play, but oh well. It still ended up being a good time. The kids just went crazy in the house. Not an easy thing to do when the house is full of 30+ party goers, but they managed. Mitch got them going with a game on pin-the-tail on the donkey but most of them were too little. We had brightly colored cupcakes, and of course MORE than enough gifts to open. All in all it was a great time, and even with all the hardwork I would do it all again. The girls loved it and I think their little friends/cousins did too!

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