Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another First

I'm sorry but this has got to be the cutest picture of a baby in pigtails ever...and she has GOT to be the cutest baby girl...I'm sure of it, and I'm not biased or anything. Be still my beating heart, because these kids just send me over the top, Just so darn cute!

On Thursday, August 18th I went for it and put the Bugs hair in pig-tails for the first time. I told her I was giving her "piggy's" and so she kept saying "piggy's" and oinking like a pig...It was almost too much. I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that she is no longer my "Baby", but thankfully she still lets me hold her just a little bit longer at the end of everyday. She is almost 18 months old and so bright. She is trying to sing her ABC's, she sang Happy Birthday yesterday even though we aren't celebrating any birthdays. And she is speaking clearer all the time. You ask her questions and she answers. My favorite response is "Right There" Mitch asked her where something was the other night and clear as day she pointed to it and said "Right There" We were shocked. She is saying LeeLee now, which is what we usually call Leah and can name all the other familiar faces in her day to day life. She's really good at picking out books and her favorite is without a doubt "We're going on a bear hunt." She smiles so big when you get to the part "IT'S A BEAR." Her favorite show is Bubble Guppies, she calls it Bubble Uppies and there is no love lost when it comes to Elmo, she adores him. In the past 2 weeks she has really gotten the hang of using forks and spoons and today I was brave enough to give her her own yogurt for breakfast and she did great. My baby is growing up too quickly. I'm learning that is a common denominator in motherhood. It makes me so grateful for the time that I am getting to spend with them while they are goes so fast. There will be time for me to make my mark, have a career, etc etc...once they are grown and that time will be here all too soon. So for now we will have pigtails and Elmo and cuddles on the couch and that's all a mom can ask for.

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