Monday, November 21, 2011

Tucson Children's Museum

Wow...I took so many pictures at the Children's Museum this is going to be a two-parter! But what fun was had...even by the grown ups. It was raining on Sunday in Tucson. SERIOUSLY, it never rains there, but of course it did during our vacation! We made the most of it though. Uncle Jeff had a great time building with legos...Kiersten had fun too. Aunt Laura and Leah had fun with the chain tree on the wall. You lined up the leaves and branches and would drop a chain of balls in the top to see if it could make it to the bottom.

There was an art station where Aunt Laura did striking portraits on the girls with chalk :)
Leah had fun using stencils and Kiersten only wanted to use the markers on her own hands :(

But by far, the best part of the museum was the puppets and stage. Daddy and Leah were having so much fun playing with the puppets. Kierstsen came over the area. Daddy started to talk to her from behind the curtain with a puppet on his hand and she ran screaming. When she got brave enough to go near it again, he did it AGAIN...the girl climbed into my arms so quickly and clung to my neck. We all thought it was a hoot, but the poor girl was traumatized. They had fun putting on the firefighters gear and playing in the truck. And of course the dinosaur out front was fun to climb on, although I think Leah was secretly wishing it would take her for a ride!

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