Thursday, August 29, 2013

In the Lou

This weekend was a big first for two of the three Schultz Girls! We took Kiersten and Leah to their first Cardinals game, but first we toured some other parts of  "the Lou". We had high hopes of getting down there early, but we decided to drop off Hattie with Gigi in Mattoon...and of course that meant having lunch at Freddy's first. We thought we would try to do the 3:00 PM Riverboat ride, but then we hit some construction. So by the time we parked and started walking towards the Riverfront it was already 3:15...oh well. The girls didn't seem to mind. They were super excited to see the Arch. It is pretty cool, afterall. We took a few pictures in front and then of course we had to go touch it. I don't know if you can see the girls expressions but they are priceless.

After playing at the Arch for a bit, we decided to walk down to the waterfront. The girls wanted to touch the water, but there was so much debris in the water that wasn't going to happen. They enjoyed walking on the cobblestone street, though. We knew our friends, The Gray's were on the Riverboat so we went over to the dock to see them. After that there was a lot more photo ops and touching of the Arch. Leah and Mason were working on their Ninja moves...doing jump kicks into it. Silly Kids. Then we were off to the game!!!

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